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About us

Human interference in the environment is increasing and progressive.


In order to overcome the obstacles and challenges of modern life, the chemical industry is constantly producing hundreds of new molecules to meet the needs of industry, commerce, transportation, health, communications and others. These molecules did not exist in nature, and although are considered unfit for human consumption, inevitably end up being discarded in the environment, polluting the soil and water, and unfortunately, are detected in the body of humans and animals, in their excretions and even in breast milk. Many of these substances, which are difficult to break down in biological systems, are analyzed and classified as carcinogenic, and have been generating restrictive or prohibitive actions in isolated countries.


If we understand that in order to live a healthful life we ​​need to keep ourselves free from toxins that hinder the normal functioning of body and mind, we will soon understand the importance of environmental health for the individual health, as it is not possible to live healthy in a toxic environment. Anything that causes harm to the individual and to the system to which they belong is considered toxic, and they can be chemical, physical, thoughts, behaviors and emotions.

On the other hand, the pragmatism of modern life has transformed our ancestors’ free search for natural food into a consumption pattern that is conditioned to the system of food supply of mass production and commercialization. Our disconnection from nature, especially in large urban centers, reduces the availability of all the essential nutrients that are necessary for maintaining a full life.

Although we have achieved a comfortable and abundant lifestyle, fruit of our strenuous work, our cells suffer from multiple nutritional deficiencies and struggle with excessive litter.


We believe that all solutions to human problems are in nature, and all our study and research is based on this idea.


Our mission is to:

1. Provide safe, modern, efficient and accessible means to maintain vital functions.

2. Optimize biological functions in order to fulfill all human needs

3. Share successful experiences in a total, unrestricted and indiscriminate way.

4. Raise the level of individual consciousness, which values ​​the collective good above individual advantages,

5. Connect men to nature through a harmonic, non-destructive relationship.

C.N.P.J.: 17.366.111.0001/19

São Paulo - SP

Phone e whatsapp : 11 9.4593-8969

Av. General Leite de Castro, 36

(sales only online)

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